The everyday life of our Christian, homeschooling family of 6!

Monday, February 28, 2011

I'm BIG...You're little

While many people ask WHY we go to church so far away (45 minute drive), I just love the drive to church most Sundays. The highways aren't as busy and the route we take has some really nice scenery. In particular, there are a few spots along the way where the highway goes over a river and there are trees lining each side. Many mornings in the fall and spring there is fog hovering over the waters and it is simply beautiful!

Yesterday on my drive home from church, my mind and heart were pondering how I could
better relate to my children (whom I truly don't understand at times) and I passed over one of such rivers and a thought came to me. While I'm not a photographer by any means, I do love
taking mental pictures and thinking about how I can portray different scenes to show different points of view. From the bridge, the river looked so small and insignificant, as if I could easily 'rule' over it.

But then I though, you know, if I got my camera and put it within half an inch from the ground down there by the river, the rock, the river itself and all the trees around it would look grand and majestic!

Then it hit me. My children see me from THAT point of view, and I (unfortunately) see them from the point of view from up above. To me, they seem so small and easy to 'talk at' and expect them to just do as I say because I'm mommy. Yet, they look up to me as their example for all things. In light of that, I just knew I was letting them down. Lord knows how many times I fall....and fail. But now I have this thought to look back on and remind myself of in times when I start to feel I can't stay in control anymore. My children's precious little eyes and hearts NEED me to rely on the Lord for my strength and guidance.

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