Life Lesson #532 : Do NOT go running around Starbucks with your jacket hood over your face. You will fall. You will get hurt. And more than likely, you will eventually make a trip to the ER.
So, yes, yesterday morning we went on a 'milk-drop', as I like to call it (read previous post), to give some milk to a wonderful mama and her precious baby! She brought her other 2 kiddos along and it made for a little mini-party with my kids joining me as well! At first, Preston acted all shy...totally NOT how he normally is if you know my son! After a bit, though, he opened up
and started trying to make everyone laugh by doing silly things. One of those things happened to be pulling his jacket hood over his face and walking around. I'm guessing he was trying to be a mummy or something?? Either way, he fell and hit his chin on a guys chair. The guy didn't even flinch, really. Just looked down to make sure the cord to his computer was still attached and to make sure my son wasn't lying unconscious on the floor. He doesn't have kids (obviously). So my son slowly stands up and slowly starts crying as he's trying to hide his face even more after his little mishap. I understood. He was embarrassed in front of his new friends. Poor guy. :( I took a look at it, and sure enough, he had busted open the under side of his chin. He's had cuts through his mouth before (one caused by a croquet mallet to the face, and another from falling face first on the cement years back), but never under the chin. It still looked like it would be fine to take
him home and just patch him up there without a trip to the dr. We still had some steri-strips leftover from Rebecca's run-in with the fireplace a year or so back. Well, later in the day, he kept picking at the strips and they came off. The cut was still open and not staying together well. We decided a trip to the ER would be best just to make sure he didn't need stitches. After daddy got home and we ate dinner, it was off to the hospital for the 2 guys. A little bit of glue and an hr or 2 later, they're back home. Then this morning, he came up to me to say that he was 'sorry', but that he had picked all the glue off and his cut was opening up again. *sigh* Grandpa wound up coming over with some super glue and small bandaids and we fixed him right up again. Praying
this time he leaves it alone and that it heals quickly!

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